One of the main characteristics of REC-019 TambSTU-ISMPN “Solid phase technologies” is the combination of scientific and educational activities.
Educational component of the project is based on the concept of innovatively-oriented vocational training. Main principles of such education are the continuity and integration of educational programs of the higher, post-graduate and additional vocational training. Thus we provide stage-by-stage preparation of a bachelor, a master of engineering and technologies, a candidate of sciences as a science officer and, at last, a teacher of the technical institute. It’s achieved b psychological-pedagogical training and raising the level of specialists’ skill. This approach is going to be realized by means of creation of the Flexible Integrated Scientific Educational System (FISES) within the framework of the project. It will include REC TambSTU-ISMPN “Solid Phase Technologies”, Tambov Regional Center of Advanced Training and Retraining of TambSTU, Tambov innovational centers of high bio- and chemical technologies and machine industries.
The FISES should implement three principal types of professional work: educational, scientific-technical and innovational. Vocational training will be based on the fundamental scientific researches and the problems of innovational development of the national and region economy. Thus students, scientific employees and young teachers should see the clear perspectives of the further growth and development.
Primary goals of the project in the field of educational activity and development of external relations are the following:
organization of annual All-Russian school-seminars on structural macrokinetics for young scientists;
- training of high-qualified specialists on the basis of post graduate school and school for doctor’s degree of ISMPM RAS, retraining and raising the level of specialists’ skill and conducting of technological practical work at the laboratories of REC of TambSTU – ISMPM;
- joint supervision of post-graduate, master and candidate theses;
- making up lyceum groups for the last year pupils of comprehensive schools in Chernogolovka and Tambov according to the specialization of TambSTU and ISMPM RAS, involving the pupils in scientific work.
- working out and organization of educational process for the students in the system of chemical-technological education directed on science intensive solid phase chemical technologies;
- giving the students an opportunity to get supplementary professional skill in the field of management and commercial activities of chemical technological innovations including nanotechnologies;
- analysis of informational technological innovations in education, practical realization of the problems concerned with infotainment in education;
- organization of integration between the levels of academic and institute of higher education science, training, retraining and raising the level of skills, preparation of skilled stuff according to the leading scientific institutions;
- working out of lecture courses, methodic aids for implementation, specific practice work and laboratory research analysis on solid phase technologies with the help of up-to-date methods;
- conducting of technological industrial practical work for the students from universities based on technological purposes of TambSTU and ISMPM RAS;
- enlargement of international contacts with the leading universities of the world in order to set up joint organization of scientific and educational processes for raising the level of specialists’ skills and training;.
- retraining of academic stuff of classical and technical universities on basis of the courses delivered by leading scientists of the scientific centre of Russian Academy of Science in Chernogolovka and REC of TambSTU – ISMPM;
Results of the scientific and educational activity of REC-019 will be used for creation of a modern system for training of young specialists having different levels of qualification. They will combine deep professional knowledge and capability to solve large variety of problems in the field of innovational activity and management. In particular, these results are necessary for improvement of quality and management efficiency of SRERW and development and creation of programs for professional education within the frameworks of TambSTU-ISMPM. Special attention will be paid to the development of lecture courses and the practice works having a general significance for the tutoring of modern solid phase technologies.
the following sources are given in Russian