Scientific-educational groups (SEG):
- SHS – estrusion
supervisor: professor Alexandr Moiseevich Stolin
- Elictric-spark alloying of metal-working equipment
supervisor: professor Alexandr Moiseevich Stolin
- Mathematical simulation of SHS- and SPE- extrusion
supervisor: leading researcher Lubov Semenovna Stelmakh
- Thermo-mechanical spetroscopy and SP-technology
рук.: senior research officer Yury Andreevich Olkhov
- SP–extrusion of composite polymer materials
supervisor: professor Gennady Sergeevich Baronin
- Physical-mechanical properties of polymer composites, processed with LP- and SP- extrusion
supervisor: professor Gennady Sergeevich Baronin
- Research of structural-relaxational characteristics of polymer composites processed with the help of LP- and SP- technologies
supervisor: professor Gennady Sergeevich Baronin
- X-ray analysis and IR spectroscopy
supervisor: professor Valery MichaylovichPolycarpov
- X-ray analysis and electron spectroscopy
supervisor: professor Yury Anatolyevich Brusnetsov
- Thermalphysic research of polymer composites characteristics of LP- and SP- technologies
supervisor: professor. Sergey Vasilevich Ponomarev
- Estimation of diffusion characteristics of composites for SP-technologies and microwave-thermal processing of composite materials
supervisor: professor. VyatcheslavMikhaylovich Dmitriev
- Mathematical simulation of the composites structure and technological processes for SP-technology
supervisor: professor Stanislav Ivanovich Dvoretsky
- Informational systems design for the research of phase and structural transmitions in polymer multi-component materials
supervisor: professor Yury Leonidovich Muromtsev
- The technology for obtaining polymer structurized nano-composites
supervisor: professor Alexey Grigorevich Tkachev
- The research of dielectric characteristics of polymer composites
supervisor: professor Oleg Sergeevich Dmitriev