Тамбовский государственный технический университет Институт структурной макрокинетики Американский фонд гражданских исследований и развития Министерство образования и науки РФ
Русская версия English version REC-019 "Solid-phase technologies"
The plan for integration of project components

The scientific and practical preparation of the highly skilled staff for new high-tech chemical technologies demands new ideas and approaches today. More and more chemical manufactures using solid-phase technological processes appear in our country and abroad. So the necessity for professional training for carrying out scientific and technological researches and works has arisen at manufacture. Now the experts from adjacent directions work in this area (chemical physics, materiology, powder metallurgy, analytical chemistry, etc.). However the accumulation of the new scientific data demands special education in this area.

The training of the high-skilled experts on the priority directions of chemistry, chemical physics and biochemistry of scientific schools should be radically changed in our country according to the new concepts of professional higher education renovation.

The world experience of science and education development shows that the correspondence to these requirements is achieved by the close integration of universities with the academic and branch sectors of science conducting fundamental and applied scientific researches, and also the correspondence to these requirements is achieved by the interaction of scientific - educational structures with administrative bodies of region and federal bodies. The cooperation in the field of education, science and professional training between ISMPM and TSTU based on the long-term contract is an example of such integration. According to this contract TSTU directs the students and post-graduate students for getting master and candidate degrees and scientific - educational laboratories are created (SEL of TSTU-ISMPM). These laboratories works at the development and the organization of educational process for students and post-graduate students in the system of the chemical-technological education focused on new high technology of solid-phase chemical technologies, on the organization and performance of the fundamental and applied researches realized by the students, the undergraduates, the post-graduate students and the young experts on new high-tech technologies at a world level.

Tambov State Technical University has an advanced research chemical-technological base which allows carrying out a full cycle of researches starting with search works to debugging of pilot installations of technological process modes. The vertical integrated research-and-production structure has been created for realization of the complete «a technological corridor». It starts with the reception of scientific results and ends up with the development and commercialization of the new generation of life-support systems and means of people protection in extreme situations of man-caused and natural character. The vertical includes TSTU, joint-stock company “Corporation “Roshimzashchita”, the innovative centers of high bio-and chemical technologies and of mechanical engineering.

The profile scientific - educational center (SEC of TSTU - ISMPM of the Russian Academy of Science) «Solid-phase technologies» is organized for the development of scientific researches in the priority directions in the field of new solid-phase chemical high-tech technologies on the TSTU and ISMPM base.

We suppose the following basic functions of SEC «Solid technologies» in the field of scientific researches:

  • Working out and performance of scientific researches at a world level which are carried out by students, students engaged on degree theses, post-graduate students and young experts on solid phase chemical technologies;
  • Working out and performance of energy and resource saving technologies using the phenomenon of burning (self-propagating high-temperature synthesis, technological processes of burning and explosion);
  • Obtaining of new materials with unique properties at high static and dynamic pressure;
  • Nanotechnologies in chemistry and biochemistry.

For these purposes the professional personnel of TambSTU in Tambov and ISMPM in Tchernogolovka is involved; the modern material resources of the academic institutes in cooperation with Russian and foreign universities and scientific centers are used. - The organization and support of the activity of a joint scientific - educational laboratory on solid phase technologies. Building up scientific groups on its base for the performance of custom-made research and experimental development in the field of new chemical technologies;

  • Working out and support of applied research projects joined with the investment organizations in the area of commercial activities of the science intensive technologies;
  • Carrying out of master classes and conferences for post-graduate students, students and young scientists on subjects of SEC «Solid phase technologies».
  • In the field of scientific-education:

    • Coordination and organization of the work of educational faculties on basis of institutes of the Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Science in Chernogolovka. Development of educational base in the academic institutes, improvement of training to modern science intensive chemical technologies;
    • Development, forming and carrying out of the educational technologies for students with the purpose of giving them an opportunity to get the supplementary qualification in the field of management and commercial activities of new chemical technologies;
    • Working out of lecture courses, methodical aids for the performance of special practice work and laboratory work with the use of modern methods of research;
    • Carrying out of technological industrial fieldwork for students of universities on technological aims of TambSTU and ISMPM;
    • Development of external relations in the field of science and education on the basis of contacts to universities and centers of science of Russia, the states of CIS;
    • Enlargement of international contacts to the leading universities of the world with the purpose of co-organization of scientific and educational process for the improvement of professional skill and a level of training of experts;
    • Retraining of academic stuff of classical and technical universities on basis of the courses delivered by the leading scientists of the Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Science in Tchernogolovka and TambSTU;
    • Preparation of experts of the higher professional skill on basis of postgraduate study and doctoral studies of ISMPM and TambSTU, retraining and improvement of professional skills of experts, and also probation in laboratories and departments of ISMPM;
    • Creation of lyceum groups for the last year pupils of comprehensive schools in Chernogolovka and Tambov with career-guidance on specializations of TambSTU and ISMPM; involving schoolboys in scientific work. Creation of the preparatory courses for the selection and preparation of school leavers, carrying out of rating testing.

REC-019 TambSTU ISMAN Solid-phase technologies
Phone: 8-(4752)-63-03-95
E-mail: baronin-gs@yandex.ru
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