In the beginning of April of 2006 the Center of Composite Materials of Harbinsk Institute of Technology "HIT" (Chinese People's Republic), on behalf of director - professor He Xiaodong, on the one hand, and the Institute of Structural Macrokinetics and Problems of Materiology of Russian Academy of Science (ISMPM) on behalf of the head of SEC of ISMPM and the head of scientific components of profile SEC of TSTU - ISMPM of the Russian Academy of Science - professor A.M. Stolin and J.A. Barinov managing the international department of ISMPM, on the other hand, have concluded the Report on Intentions with the purpose of carrying out the joint Russian - Chinese conference for young scientists on fundamental problems of processes solid-phase technologies within the framework of the agreement of the Russian Federal Property Fund and the State Fund of Natural Sciences of China (SFNS of China). The conception of the planned conference consists in focused vocational training of the young people in the field of physics-chemistry of solid-phase technological processes, in the field of structural macrokinetics and high-temperature synthesis of refractory materials, and also in the field of the modern problems of materiology connected to these areas, solid-phase technologies of reception of new materials, thermodynamics, chemical kinetics and macrokinetics. The conference will be held on the basis of the created SEC of ISMPM of the Russian Academy of Science and of profile SEC of TSTU - ISMPM «Solid-phase technologies».
The conference sets the following purposes, they are strengthening and development of relations between the Russian and Chinese scientists. The conference will be held in 2007. The total number of the conference participants is 30 people (15 people from each side).
For the organization of the given action the Russian and Chinese parties represent the necessary documents and make out projects for the competition in the Russian Federal Property Fund and SFNS of China now.
In DonPTI of NAS of Ukraine the deep scientific researches in the area of solid-phase technologies under a high pressure, of intensive plastic deformation under a high pressure, of solid-phase nanotechnology, of solid-phase screw extrusion, of equal channel angular extrusion, of equal channel multiangular extrusion and of structural updating of metals, polymers, composites and alloys in these conditions of solid-phase technologies are conducted.
Between the director of SEC of TSTU – ISMPM, Professor, G.S. Baronin, and the acting director responsible for the scientific work at DonPTI, Doctor of Technical Sciences, V.A. Beloshenko, the arrangement about the teamwork on the given scientific directions is achieved within the framework of performance of the project of SEC of TSTU - ISMPM for 2007-2009.
Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics of the Russian Academy of Science in Tchernogolovka (IPCP) takes part in the performance of the project SEC of TSTU - ISMPM of the Russian Academy of Science. Developed in IPCP of the Russian Academy of Science the methodology of thermomechanical spectroscopy (МTS) is used in SEC for the estimation of molecular-topological and relaxation-structural characteristics of polymeric composites on the basis of the АBS-copolymer after SPE in comparison with the characteristics of material after its processing through the stage of flux. Together with the employees of SEC of TSTU - ISMPM in 2006 two articles were prepared for the publication in foreign press and two articles have been published in Russian reviewed editions. Now the problem on the further scientific contacts within the framework of performance of project SEC «Solid-phase technologies» in 2007-2009 are under the discussion.
Besides Russian international and Russian classic institutes the SEC (scientific educational center) “Solid phase technologies” is supported by the following organizations: D.I. Mendeleyev UCTR (Moscow), Institute of problems of microelectronics and extra pure materials of RAS (Tchernogolovka), Joint stock company “Corporation “Russian Chemical Defense” (Tambov), the Department of Tambov region (tambov).